Manusia mengetahui bahwa mereka mempunyai perasaan-perasaan tertentu terhadap jenis yang lain. Perasaan-perasaan dan pikiran-pikiran itu ditimbulkan oleh daya tarik yang ada pada masing-masing mereka, yang menjadikan yang satu tertarik kepada yang lain, sehingga antara kedua jenis pria dan wanita itu terjalin hubungan yang wajar. Mereka melangkah maju dan bergiat agar perasaan-perasaan itu dan kecenderungan-kecenderungan antara laki-laki dan wanita itu tercapai. Puncak dari semuanya itu ialah terjadinya perkaw nan antara laki-laki dan perempuan itu. Dalam keadaan demikian bagi laki-laki hanya istrinya itulah wanita yang paling cantik dan baik, sedang bagi wanita itu, hanya suaminyalah laki-laki yang menarik hatinya. Masing-masing mereka merasa tenteram hatinya dengan ada pihak yang lain itu. Semuanya ini merupakan modal yang paling berharga dalam membina rumah tangga bahagia. Kemudian dengan adanya rumah tangga yang berbahagia jiwa dan pikiran menjadi tenteram, tubuh dan hati mereka menjadi tenang serta kehidupan dan penghidupan menjadi mantap, kegairahan hidup akan timbul, dan ketenteraman bagi laki-laki dan wanita secara menyeluruh akan tercapai.
Humans know that they have certain feelings toward the other. These feelings and thoughts are generated by the attraction that is in each of them, which makes one interested in the other, so that between the two types of men and women are established a reasonable relationship.They stepped forward and activated that feelings and the tendencies between men and women were achieved.The culmination of all this is the occurrence of marriage between the man and the woman. In such circumstances for men only his wife is the most beautiful woman and good, while for the woman, only the husband is the man who attracts his heart.Each of them feel the peace of heart with the other side. All of this is the most valuable capital in fostering a happy home. Then with the happy homes of souls and minds at ease, their bodies and hearts become calm and life and livelihood become steady, the thrill of life will arise, and tranquility for men and women as a whole will be accomplished.
Khusus mengenai kata-kata "mawaddah" (rasa kasih) dan "rahmah" (sayang), Mujahid dan Ikrimah berpendapat bahwa yang pertama adalah sebagai ganti dari kata "nikah" (bersetubuh, bersenggama) dan yang kedua sebagai kata ganti "anak". Jadi menurut Mujahid dan Ikrimah, maksud perkataan Tuhan: "Bahwa Dia menjadikan antara suami dan istri rasa kasih sayang ialah adanya perkawinan sebagai yang disyariatkan Tuhan antara seorang laki-laki dengan seorang wanita dari jenisnya sendiri, yaitu jenis manusia, akan terjadilah persenggamaan yang menyebabkan adanya anak-anak dan keturunan. Persenggamaan adalah merupakan suatu keharusan dalam kehidupan manusia, sebegaimana adanya anak-anak adalah merupakan suatu keharusan yang umum pula. Ada yang berpendapat bahwa: "mawaddah" bagi anak muda, dan "rahmah" bagi orang tua. Sehubungan dengan mawaddah itu Allah mengutuk kaum Lut yang melampiaskan nafsunya dengan melakukan homosex, dan meninggalkan istri-istri mereka yang seharusnya kepada istri-istri itulah mereka melimpahkan rasa kasih sayang dan dengan merekalah seharusnya bersenggama.
Especially about the words "mawaddah" (love) and "rahmah" (affectionate), Mujahid and Ikrimah argue that the first is in exchange for the word "marriage" (intercourse, intercourse) and the second as the pronoun "child". So according to Mujahid and Ikrimah, the word of God means: "That He made between husband and wife compassion is the marriage as prescribed by God between a man and a woman of his own kind, that is the kind of human, there will be sexual intercourse that causes Children and descendants. Sexual intercourse is a necessity in human life, as the existence of children is a common necessity. Some argue that: "mawaddah" for young people, and "rahmah" for parents. In connection with the mawaddah Allah cursed the Lut who vent their lust by doing homosex, and leave their wives should be to the wives that they bestow their love and with them should be intercourse
Allah SWT berfirman: Artinya:
Dan kamu tinggalkan istri-istri yang dijadikan oleh Tuhanmu untukmu. (Q.S. Asy syu'ara: 166)
Dalam ayat ini Allah memberi tahukan kepada kaum laki-laki bahwa "tempat tertentu" itu ada pada perempuan dijadikan untuk laki-laki. Dalam hadis diterangkan bahwa para istri wajib melayani ajakan suaminya, kapan saja dikehendaki oleh sang suami. Jika ia menolak ajakan itu sedang dia dalam keadaan tidak terlarang, ia termasuk orang yang zalim dan berdosa besar.
Allah SWT says, meaning :
And you leave the wives your Lord made for you. (Q.S. Ash Shu'ara: 166) In this verse Allah tells the men that the "certain place" is in women made for men. In the hadith explained that the wives are obliged to serve the invitation of her husband, whenever desired by the husband. If he refuses the invitation while he is not prohibited, he is among the unjust and sinful
Nabi saw bersabda : Artinya:
Allah SWT says, meaning :
And you leave the wives your Lord made for you. (Q.S. Ash Shu'ara: 166) In this verse Allah tells the men that the "certain place" is in women made for men. In the hadith explained that the wives are obliged to serve the invitation of her husband, whenever desired by the husband. If he refuses the invitation while he is not prohibited, he is among the unjust and sinful
Nabi saw bersabda : Artinya:
Demi Tuhan yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, tidak ada seseorang lelakipun yang mengajak istrinya untuk bercampur, tetapi ia (istri) enggan, kecuali yang ada di langit akan marah kepada istri itu, sampai suaminya rida kepadanya". Dalam lafal yang lain, hadis ini berbunyi: "Apabila istri tidur meninggalkan ranjang suaminya maka malaikat-malaikat akan melaknatinya hingga ia bangun di pagi hari". (H.R. Muslim dari Abu Hurairah)
Dalam ayat ini Allah SWT pada ayat-ayat yang lain menetapkan ketentuan-ketentuan hidup suami istri, untuk mencapai kebahagiaan hidup dan agar ketenteraman jiwa serta kerukunan hidup berumah tangga tercapai. Apabila hal itu belum tercapai, maka mereka semestinya mengadakan introspeksi terhadap diri mereka sendiri, meneliti apa yang belum dapat mereka lakukan serta kesalahan-kesalahan yang telah mereka perbuat, kemudian menetapkan cara yang paling baik sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan Allah, sehingga tujuan perkawinan yang diharapkan itu tercapai, yaitu ketenangan, saling mencintai dan kasih sayang.
Demikianlah agungnya perkawinan itu, dan rasa kasih sayang ditimbulkannya, sehingga ayat ini ditutup dengan menyatakan bahwa semuanya itu terdapat tanda-tanda kekuasaan dan kebesaran Allah SWT bagi orang-orang yang mau menggunakan pikirannya.
Tetapi sayang, sedikit sekali manusia yang mau mengingat kekuasaan Allah yang menciptakan istri-istri bagi mereka dari jenis-jenis mereka sendiri (jenis manusia) dan menanamkan rasa cinta dan kasih sayang dalam jiwa mereka.
The prophet said, meaning :
For the sake of the Lord whose soul is in his hand, there is no man who invites his wife to mingle, but he (the wife) is reluctant, except that in the heavens will be angry with the wife, until her husband is pleased with her. "In another pronunciation, This reads: "When the wife slept leaving her husband's bed then the angels will curse him until he wakes up in the morning." (Muslim from Abu Hurairah)
In this verse Allah SWT on other verses establish the provisions of life of husband and wife, to achieve the happiness of life and for peace of soul and harmony of married life is achieved. If that is not achieved then they should introspect themselves, examine what they have not been able to do and the mistakes they have made, then establish the best way according to the provisions of God, so that the expected purpose of marriage It is achieved, namely tranquility, mutual love and affection.
Such is the marvelousness of that marriage, and the compassion it generates, so that this verse closes by declaring that it is there are signs and power of Allah SWT for those who want to use his mind.
But unfortunately, very few people will remember the power of Allah who created wives for them from their own kinds (human kind) and instilled a sense of love and affection in their souls.
The prophet said, meaning :
For the sake of the Lord whose soul is in his hand, there is no man who invites his wife to mingle, but he (the wife) is reluctant, except that in the heavens will be angry with the wife, until her husband is pleased with her. "In another pronunciation, This reads: "When the wife slept leaving her husband's bed then the angels will curse him until he wakes up in the morning." (Muslim from Abu Hurairah)
In this verse Allah SWT on other verses establish the provisions of life of husband and wife, to achieve the happiness of life and for peace of soul and harmony of married life is achieved. If that is not achieved then they should introspect themselves, examine what they have not been able to do and the mistakes they have made, then establish the best way according to the provisions of God, so that the expected purpose of marriage It is achieved, namely tranquility, mutual love and affection.
Such is the marvelousness of that marriage, and the compassion it generates, so that this verse closes by declaring that it is there are signs and power of Allah SWT for those who want to use his mind.
But unfortunately, very few people will remember the power of Allah who created wives for them from their own kinds (human kind) and instilled a sense of love and affection in their souls.
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